Google is not only a search engine, but it's also a source of fun and entertainment. Here are some cool and funny Google searching tricks that you can try:
1.Do a barrel roll
Type "do a barrel roll" into Google's search bar and hit enter. The search results will spin around on the screen just like in the video game Star Fox.
2.Google Gravity
Type "Google Gravity" into the search bar and hit enter. Watch as the Google homepage falls apart into a pile of bouncing elements that you can play around with.
3.Google Pac-Man
Type "Google Pac-Man" into the search bar and hit enter. Play the classic arcade game right on the Google homepage.
4.Google Snake Game
Type "Google Snake Game" into the search bar and hit enter. Play the classic game of Snake right on the Google homepage.
5.Google Mirror
Type "Google Mirror" into the search bar and hit enter. The search results will be mirrored on the screen, giving a unique and fun way to browse the internet.
6.Zerg Rush
Type "Zerg Rush" into the search bar and hit enter. Watch as a horde of Google O's attack the search results, and try to click on them before they destroy everything.
Type "askew" into the search bar and hit enter. Watch as the search results tilt slightly to the right, giving a fun and unique perspective.
8.Google Sphere
Type "Google Sphere" into the search bar and hit enter. The search results will float around in a sphere that you can move with your mouse.
💡Bonus Tricks :
- Go to
- Enter the below terms one by one in search box and click on I m feeling Lucky button
- google loco
- google gothic
- google 133t
- google pink
- elgoog
- google linux
- google gothic
- epic google
- google easter egg
- google bear
- sharelol
- limewire
- xx-hacker
- who’s the cutest
- xx-piglatin
- xx-kling
- onewmew fudd
- google bsd
- toogle
- Gizoogle
- Google Pond
- tilt
These are just a few of the cool and funny Google searching tricks that you can try. Have fun exploring and discovering more hidden surprises on Google!
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