Suppose you have good writing skill or, writing is your hobby. So, why don't you turn it to your earning source? Writing a blog is one of the most popular ways to make money online. But to make your wish fulfill, first of all, you need to make a blog/site. There are many web designing platform to help you. Blogger and WordPress are the most important among them. Now the question is how much it will cost and who will help you to make your blog/site. Don't worry. You can make a blog/site by yourself and it is totally free. So, Gtara Tech is here to help you.In this series, I will discuss how to make a blog/site with help of blogger platform.
Why you should use blogger
If you don't want to pay money for your blog/site, then the blogger is the perfect place for you. If you want your post to get the top page of google search, you can do it with a free ".blogspot" domain/web address. You don't need a top level domain ( e. g " .com" web address) for that. The reason for that is the blogger is Google's own product. If you use other platforms, it won't help you in this purpose. If you don't understand what is the Blogspot, here is the answer -- When you make a free blog/site using the blogger platform, URL/web address of your blog/site will look like "".
- If you want to remove ".blogspot" from your URL, you will have to buy a top level domain. Then it will look like "".
Another advantage of using blogger is you can get Google Adsense approval in a free Blogspot blog/site and make money. But, when you use other platforms, Adsense won't give approval for free blog/site.
People may say blogger has a lack of features and isn't user-friendly. It's true. But, I can assure you that if you follow my tutorials, you can use it easily. I also think blogger's features are enough for you to make a complete blog/site.
Does this post really help ?
When I started blogging, I got confused from where I had to start and how to develop my blog step by step. When I added a feature, I wasn't sure what should be my next feature. Then after adding a few features and publishing my few posts, I came to know that I didn't utilize an important feature and my posts were not effective for that.You can search online and you will get a lot of tutorials. But, you will face problem to find out which step you should complete first. If you want to make a complete blog with all the features, then it will take a lot of times and you won't be able to publish your posts. It's also impossible to use all features and you don't need all of them either. As contents/posts are the main priority of blogging, you should make a blog with all important features at first. Then put your full concentration on your contents or writing. After that, when you get free times, you can add some extra features. So, at the starting of tutorials about "how to make a blog/site using blogger", all tutorials are arranged sequentially in this post. You will understand which features are more important to make a professional looking blog/site. You will also know which feature must be added before publishing the first post. So, follow this sequence to avoid any mistake.Step by Step Blogger Tutorials
- Blogger Vs Wordpress: Which one should you choose
- Benefits Of Using Blogspot As Blogging Platform
- Choosing A Perfect Niche For Your Blog
- Creating a Free Blog on Blogger
- Add Custom Robots.txt File in Blogger
- Most Important Settings You Must Have Set In Your Blogger Blog
- How to Create Contact Us page in Blogger
- How To Edit or change A Blogger Template - Complete tutorial
- Essential Safety Steps To Follow On Editing Blogger Template
- Setup MultiTab system on Blogger
- Add Facebook(Meta) meta tags in Blogger
- All In one seo pack for Blogger Blog
- How to make money through blogging
- How to get Google AdSense Approval very fast For A New Blog
- Earn 10$ Through blogging
- Best free AMP blogger Templates 2023
- Top 5 Premium AMP templates for blogger blog
- How to Backup and Upload a Blogger Theme
- How to create SEO friendly blogger post title
- How to Submit Blogger Sitemap To Google Search Console
- How to Submit Blogger Sitemap to Bing Webmaster Tools and Yahoo Search
- How to Add Google Analytics to Blogger
- How to Create a Post in Blogger and Publish
- How to add Meta Tag, Search description to blogger post
- How to Add the ALT text tag to the blogger images
- How to add RSS feed icon to blogger blog using Feedburner
- Social like/follower buttons - Facebook like button, Twitter follower button, Google+ Plus one button
- Ways to Increase Blog Traffic
- Social bookmarking - Reddit, StumbleUpon
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