How To Edit or change A Blogger Template - Complete tutorial

The Template means the theme (in wordpress term )  of your Blog. The heading , background , the footer, these all are belongs to your bog.By giving a new template , you can make your blog more beautiful. And by Editing that Template , you can make your blog much more beautiful.Many of us really  don't like the the default blogger templates supplied by blogger at creating the blogger Blog. So we always try use use a another template. But , there is a little problem.
How To Edit or change A Blogger Template - Complete tutorial At those blogger templates , there are names of the template producer , links , buttons , Ads , and also some times we love the blog template but we hate it's images. And some times we can't change the are some templates which i choose for you. These are some wordpress templates that converted to blogger templates by experts. These have a professional look and also these are Adsense ready templates.That's why we have to Edit the Template.

If you want to find a new blog template , you just have to go to Google search Engine and type 'Blogger Templates'. Now you will find thousands of blogger templates.And there is a another thing, you can't just use any template for your blog. Your blog template must be suitable with your blog's content.For a example its better to use a template with a Cartoon figure for a blog that is for children , than using a template with vehicles and flowers.So think well , think as a Artist and choose a template.Next thing is , if we are going to change our blog's template , we always have to keep a back up of the old one.
For that,

1. Go to Theme Main Tab

Theme Main Tab

 2. Now click on Download Full Template (This is for safety purpuse)

You can see The Backup/Restore Template on the top left corner press the button and a popup opens with save to computer option .. click on save to computer 

3.Edit HTML tab


Edit HTML tab

Now you can see editorial interface ..Here you can edit the html ,css,javascript and many more per your requirement..But one thing if you have not familiar with HTML,CSS then i request you not to do any edit on this interface otherwise you may loose the blog 's home page interface bit blog and blog content will be there in the server..

( Click here to learn the safety steps )


Change Blogger Template Completely 

If you want to give a new template,first of all find a new one. ( I recommended  :Which provides qualitative templates for every niche blog )

1. Now download a template and save it on your computer.

You can browse on google with search keyword "BlogSpot Blog Template Download"  Then you can see search results leading to different website from where you can download template.. Downloaded File format may be .xml or .zip or .rar or .7z ..

2. Extract it using WinRAR.

If the downloaded file is  in .xml format then skip this step but if file is in  .zip or .rar or .7z  format then  Extract The ZIP or RAR file using any extracting software. Now find a file ending with .xml  in the extracted folder, This is the template fie ,which we will   upload on next step.

3. Now Browse your template and give the address.

In this step you have to upload that .xml file  Now click on Upload.
upload  blogger template

 4. Now follow safety steps. ( Click here to learn the safety steps )

5. Now click Save

Great! You Did it well..

Step by Step Blogger Tutorials

  1. Blogger Vs Wordpress: Which one should you choose
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  3. Choosing A Perfect Niche For Your Blog
  4. Creating a Free Blog on Blogger
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  7. How to Create Contact Us page in Blogger
  8. How To Edit or change A Blogger Template - Complete tutorial
  9. Essential Safety Steps To Follow On Editing Blogger Template
  10. Setup MultiTab system on Blogger
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  14. How to get Google AdSense Approval very fast For A New Blog
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About the author

Founder of Tarang Inc and Gtara Tech. He Writes about blogging , tech tips and tricks . He manages Tarang Inc and Gtara Tech in the best possible way. Find him on : @taragnawali | facebook| instagram| twitter| messenger

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